Information sharing & data protection Statement
You automatically have parental responsibility if you are the child/young persons (CYP) mother, if you have adopted the CYP, if you are the CYP’s father and are married to their mother, or you have been registered on the birth certificate as the father since December 2003.
You do not automatically have parental responsibility if you are not married to your child’s mother or if you are not the natural or adoptive parent unless, since December 2003, you have been registered on the birth certificate as the father.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council has a responsibility to you and your family to ensure that we manage your personal information sensitively. This includes sharing your information appropriately with other services and storing your data securely.
We are required to adhere to the requirements of the General Data Protection Requirements to maintain confidentiality and to obtain your consent when sharing your information with other professionals and organisations.
All information relating to your EHCNA (Educational, Health & Care needs Assessment) will be securely stored and will only be accessed by professionals involved in the assessment and the provision of services to your child.
We must also share the assessment advice and EHCP (if agreed and issued) with your child’s current and future nursery, school or college to ensure they have the full information to allow them to meet your child’s needs. This will happen following the completion of the EHCNA and possible future reviews.
The information collected regarding your child’s EHCNA process may also be used for the planning and evaluation of provision for CYP with SEND.
In some exceptional circumstances, for example, where there is a significant risk to a CYP’s safety, we may need to share information without consent.
Link to the BMBC privacy notice
Consent Notice for a Parent/Carer/Guardian
I agree with the decision to request an EHCNA and understand that this will involve sharing of information about my child between professionals who will support the local authority in deciding whether or not to proceed with an EHCNA.
I agree that the local authority may proceed with an EHCNA and subsequent EHCP, if this is deemed appropriate.
I agree that the local authority may share information about my child with relevant professionals who have had involvement with my child in the past or who may be asked for advice as part of an EHCNA, and that these professionals may provide information to the local authority if requested to do so. These may include:
- Current/Potential Future Educational Setting(s)
- Pupil Referral Unit
- Educational Psychologist
- Specialist Teachers
- Early Years/Portage Team
- Social Care
- Youth Offending Team
- GP
- Community Paediatrician
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Adult/Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- NHS (medical) Consultants
- Any other local authority or NHS related service involved
Consent Notice to a Young person to consent to the sharing of information and seek advice from other professionals (to be completed by the young person concerned when over statutory school age)
You are a young person when you are no longer of statutory school age i.e. the end of June of Y11. As a young person, you should sign this consent form, unless you do not have mental capacity to do so. In that case, evidence of lack of mental capacity should be provided by your parents/carers. You should, however, be fully informed and involved in this process.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council has a responsibility to you and your family to ensure that we manage your personal information sensitively. This includes sharing your information appropriately with other services and storing your data securely.
We are required to adhere to the General Data Protection Requirements to maintain confidentiality and to obtain your consent when sharing your information with other professionals and organisations.
All information relating to your EHCNA will be securely stored and will only be accessed by professionals involved in the assessment and the provision of services to you.
We must also share the assessment advice and EHCP (if agreed and issued) with your current and future school or college to ensure they have the full information to allow them to meet your needs. This will happen following the completion of the EHCNA and possible future reviews.
The information collected regarding the EHCNA process may also be used for the planning and evaluation of provision for CYP with SEND.
In some exceptional circumstances, for example, where there is a significant risk to your safety, we may need to share information without consent.
I understand the information gathered will be stored and used for the purpose of deciding whether to conduct an assessment and/or provide an Education, Health and Care Plan and/or in recommending other services to me.